I designed and built a grid-tied PV system back in 2009, using 14 KyoceraKD210GX-LP panels in series, feeding a Solectria PVI3000 inverter. The system is still producing, but output has declined significantly, and I'm considering adding panels to the string. Here are the specs:
Each panel stated with a Vmpp of 26.6 and Impp of 7.9, producing 210 watts. When new, in full sun the panels produced 372 VDC and 2942 watts, but they now only produce about 304 VDC and about 2400 watts, max. The inverter is rated for a max of 600 VDC and 3600 watts.
I am thinking of adding four 24 VDC nominal panels, one each at beginning and end of string, and two in the middle of the string. If these each added a max of 26.6 VDC, then the panels would be restored to slightly more than new specs and be well within the inverter's capabliities.
Are there and problems with adding new panels to old, as I've described, and are there recommendations for brand and type of panels? Thanks for any help.
Each panel stated with a Vmpp of 26.6 and Impp of 7.9, producing 210 watts. When new, in full sun the panels produced 372 VDC and 2942 watts, but they now only produce about 304 VDC and about 2400 watts, max. The inverter is rated for a max of 600 VDC and 3600 watts.
I am thinking of adding four 24 VDC nominal panels, one each at beginning and end of string, and two in the middle of the string. If these each added a max of 26.6 VDC, then the panels would be restored to slightly more than new specs and be well within the inverter's capabliities.
Are there and problems with adding new panels to old, as I've described, and are there recommendations for brand and type of panels? Thanks for any help.