My comment about attic vents was inadequate in that I didn't convey the idea that an air source HPWH - or any air source heat pump for that matter - in a semi isolated space such as an attic will need careful consideration of the venting and how it's done with respect to both attic condition requirements and the supply air requirements for the heat pump. If ventilation is inadequate, the C.O.P. of the heat pump will drop as f(attic air temp.). The air will certainly be dry - maybe/likely with a lower dew point than the outdoor ambient - at least in non winter weather - but care in ventilation adequacy for the heat source for the pump is still needed.
On the PVWatts system loss factor: Many have found the 14 % default rate the model uses to be a little conservative for many applications with many users finding 10 % to be a better match with actual output over time for unshaded arrays.
Keeping in mind that the PVWatts model is for system design, and for many reasons not a predictor of output (although it's tempting to use it as such), I have enough data on my historical irradiance and actual array output to have been able to back into a system loss parameter for my system so that the PVWatts model output for running 31 day outputs over 8 years with few gaps in the data is reasonably within the model's stated tolerances for the same periods.
Using a system loss parameter of 12.8 % which includes a 3.5 % shading loss, the average running 31 day actual output/modeled output for the same periods = 0.989, high actual output/modeled output = 1.25, low actual output/modeled output = 0.651, std. dev. = 0.096, n = 2,989.
Those modeled numbers are quite close to that of two other models I use. One model, SAM from NREL, is probably best described as PVWatts on steroids. After you get a facile understanding of D.& B., you might want to take a look at SAM. Doing so can be an educational experience in itself. The other model is one I wrote several years before SAM made its appearance. It uses a lot of stuff in found in chap. 2 of D. & B. as well as other things found in the journals and some stuff of my own that enables estimates of things like backside irradiance on panels of any orientation and some stuff about view factors necessary for the calculation of that irradiance, and a few other things that deal with specific atmospheric constituents and how they affect irradiance on a wavelength basis. It will also use any input for the three irradiance components (beam, diffuse, reflected) from measured or modeled data for any clearness index from zero to 1.25. I put it on a spread sheet and it's ~ 100 Mb. It's not in a form that's presentable and really no more than a compilation of stuff that helps me explain some of what I've measured over the years.
As for translating GHI to POA, know that there are as many models to do that as there are people to attempt the chore. In spite of what many folks think, it's not an exact science, mostly due to the nature and the uncertainties associated with the atmosphere of the earth. My irradiance model starts with something called the HDKR model.
If I was giving advice on understanding irradiance models and how to translate GHI to POA irradiance, best start I'd suggest is at chap. 2 and then particularly 2.16 of D.& B. paying particular attention to the end of chapter bibliography and go from there.
What you may be looking for is similar to what it's been my experience to find many people want, including me: Simple answers to what looks to be a quest as clear and as simple as light. I wish it were so, but it turns out to be - depending on the level of confidence wanted in the data and results you get to be an inherently convoluted quest. Not conceptually difficult - if I can figure some of it out, anyone can - just don't expect accuracy with magic bullet one line solutions.
Going back to your original post and what you're looking for - an answer to why your array's output seems low, if you want a fast and reasonably accurate way to find POA irradiance and don't want the academic gyrations and all the B.S. & T. that goes with them, get a Davis Pro II, with an irradiance sensor and mount the sensor on the array in the plane of the array. As I mentioned previously and for several reasons mostly dealing with how the irradiance sensor sees/handles handles circumsolar and diffuse irradiance when in an off vertical orientation, it's not the best use of the instrument, but doing so will be faster than a perhaps unwanted trip through the details of solar irradiance and may be acceptable if a slight loss of accuracy is acceptable.
As for Ambient weather stuff, there are maybe 8 -10 WeatherUnderground sites near me (within maybe 8-10 miles or so). On clear days, the ones using Davis Pro II stations - 4 of them - seem to be in general agreement with one another and with my Davis on irradiance and other parameters. Others, including stuff from Ambient Weather - 3, I believe - even on clear days - seem to be all over the place. I think part of that may be that Davis owners may be more knowledgeable about what they're measuring.
Bottom line, if you want reliable data, get a Davis or if you just want reasonably accurate and precise irradiance data, get a pyranometer from an outfit called Kipp and Zonen or some others. There's good stuff out there to measure irradiance but you'll pay about as much or more for the pyranometer and ancillary equipment alone as you'll pay for the Davis and the accuracy will be about the same.
Reliable irradiance numbers are necessary for reasonable and consistent estimations of solar panel performance which you'll need as part of your task of figuring out where your array's performance problem(s) may be. This is not a plug, just what I've found over the years: You'll get what you pay for and the least expensive way to get reasonably accurate and precise as well as logged irradiance data at this time is with a Davis.
On the PVWatts system loss factor: Many have found the 14 % default rate the model uses to be a little conservative for many applications with many users finding 10 % to be a better match with actual output over time for unshaded arrays.
Keeping in mind that the PVWatts model is for system design, and for many reasons not a predictor of output (although it's tempting to use it as such), I have enough data on my historical irradiance and actual array output to have been able to back into a system loss parameter for my system so that the PVWatts model output for running 31 day outputs over 8 years with few gaps in the data is reasonably within the model's stated tolerances for the same periods.
Using a system loss parameter of 12.8 % which includes a 3.5 % shading loss, the average running 31 day actual output/modeled output for the same periods = 0.989, high actual output/modeled output = 1.25, low actual output/modeled output = 0.651, std. dev. = 0.096, n = 2,989.
Those modeled numbers are quite close to that of two other models I use. One model, SAM from NREL, is probably best described as PVWatts on steroids. After you get a facile understanding of D.& B., you might want to take a look at SAM. Doing so can be an educational experience in itself. The other model is one I wrote several years before SAM made its appearance. It uses a lot of stuff in found in chap. 2 of D. & B. as well as other things found in the journals and some stuff of my own that enables estimates of things like backside irradiance on panels of any orientation and some stuff about view factors necessary for the calculation of that irradiance, and a few other things that deal with specific atmospheric constituents and how they affect irradiance on a wavelength basis. It will also use any input for the three irradiance components (beam, diffuse, reflected) from measured or modeled data for any clearness index from zero to 1.25. I put it on a spread sheet and it's ~ 100 Mb. It's not in a form that's presentable and really no more than a compilation of stuff that helps me explain some of what I've measured over the years.
As for translating GHI to POA, know that there are as many models to do that as there are people to attempt the chore. In spite of what many folks think, it's not an exact science, mostly due to the nature and the uncertainties associated with the atmosphere of the earth. My irradiance model starts with something called the HDKR model.
If I was giving advice on understanding irradiance models and how to translate GHI to POA irradiance, best start I'd suggest is at chap. 2 and then particularly 2.16 of D.& B. paying particular attention to the end of chapter bibliography and go from there.
What you may be looking for is similar to what it's been my experience to find many people want, including me: Simple answers to what looks to be a quest as clear and as simple as light. I wish it were so, but it turns out to be - depending on the level of confidence wanted in the data and results you get to be an inherently convoluted quest. Not conceptually difficult - if I can figure some of it out, anyone can - just don't expect accuracy with magic bullet one line solutions.
Going back to your original post and what you're looking for - an answer to why your array's output seems low, if you want a fast and reasonably accurate way to find POA irradiance and don't want the academic gyrations and all the B.S. & T. that goes with them, get a Davis Pro II, with an irradiance sensor and mount the sensor on the array in the plane of the array. As I mentioned previously and for several reasons mostly dealing with how the irradiance sensor sees/handles handles circumsolar and diffuse irradiance when in an off vertical orientation, it's not the best use of the instrument, but doing so will be faster than a perhaps unwanted trip through the details of solar irradiance and may be acceptable if a slight loss of accuracy is acceptable.
As for Ambient weather stuff, there are maybe 8 -10 WeatherUnderground sites near me (within maybe 8-10 miles or so). On clear days, the ones using Davis Pro II stations - 4 of them - seem to be in general agreement with one another and with my Davis on irradiance and other parameters. Others, including stuff from Ambient Weather - 3, I believe - even on clear days - seem to be all over the place. I think part of that may be that Davis owners may be more knowledgeable about what they're measuring.
Bottom line, if you want reliable data, get a Davis or if you just want reasonably accurate and precise irradiance data, get a pyranometer from an outfit called Kipp and Zonen or some others. There's good stuff out there to measure irradiance but you'll pay about as much or more for the pyranometer and ancillary equipment alone as you'll pay for the Davis and the accuracy will be about the same.
Reliable irradiance numbers are necessary for reasonable and consistent estimations of solar panel performance which you'll need as part of your task of figuring out where your array's performance problem(s) may be. This is not a plug, just what I've found over the years: You'll get what you pay for and the least expensive way to get reasonably accurate and precise as well as logged irradiance data at this time is with a Davis.