You're welcome. I'm leaving the zip file up on the site for anyone else whose search brings them here. I used to put my PVPowered public dashboard on my weather site, would like to return it someday and would also like like to see your dashboard on your site when you get it done and up.
Thank you very much for working on this. As a non programmer I am not familiar with some of the terms. I looked up influxdb and it appears to be a cloud database.This is what I did and this is what I got.
I created a folder and put n6ac two files in that folder, edited, compiled and am getting Class not found exception on PVPowerDaily.class file? On Mac - tried setting PATH and CLASSPATH but can't get passed this error? any suggestions? thanks
My, xyz.class and xyz.command files are located in my (Mac's) User folder, as are the written text files.
I do not recall having to set the PATH or CLASSPATH.
Hope that helps.
No programming expert here, just a diligent Googler ...
The xyz.command files are executables that look like this –
java xyz
exit 0
which get called by a timer (Task Till Dawn) at specific times
Has anyone tried to read register data from the PV Powered inverter using Modbus TCP? I was able to read registers that contain non-changing data such as serial number and inverter ID, but when I attempt to read voltages, currents, or inverter faults, I get zeroes.