Hello all. John here. I have been working to develop monitoring of a friend's (also called John) Sunpower system using PRTG. All data is scraped from which is a URL that was gleaned from https://www.solarpaneltalk.com/forum...-traffic/page6. Much kudos to those that discovered this. I think what I am developing takes it to the next level. Although, it can be said, much of this is available on the Sunpower website, the distinction is that we can go beyond summary data and plot data from all the components.
Anyway, here's the status. I have not posted code yet or deployment instructions, but in a nutshell, you just need to connect to the supervisor, either directly via a secondary network adapter (cheap USB perhaps), or make the supervisor network routable (instructions pending c/o the other John). Then you install PRTG on a windows box which is free up to 100 sensors. From there you create sensors (instructions pending from me). It's all based on a perl script that does some magic with that JSON.
Here is a link to the github project with notes and screenshots so far.
I think it's pretty cool. I hope you do to. I wrote my first line of Perl a couple of weeks ago as wanted to revamp a cable modem monitoring script that was written in Perl, similarly a github project. The rest is history at this point. Let me know what you like, don't like, wish list, etc. I do not plan to take requests for features, but if I think there is value, I'll certainly consider.
Anyway, here's the status. I have not posted code yet or deployment instructions, but in a nutshell, you just need to connect to the supervisor, either directly via a secondary network adapter (cheap USB perhaps), or make the supervisor network routable (instructions pending c/o the other John). Then you install PRTG on a windows box which is free up to 100 sensors. From there you create sensors (instructions pending from me). It's all based on a perl script that does some magic with that JSON.
Here is a link to the github project with notes and screenshots so far.
I think it's pretty cool. I hope you do to. I wrote my first line of Perl a couple of weeks ago as wanted to revamp a cable modem monitoring script that was written in Perl, similarly a github project. The rest is history at this point. Let me know what you like, don't like, wish list, etc. I do not plan to take requests for features, but if I think there is value, I'll certainly consider.