ehunter - would you be willing to post a picture of your panel layout on another site that is publicly accessible with a link on this forum, or email it to me at jhs24 at
Sunpower X22-360 Performance Degradation
The layout I'm referring to is like this one (it shows only a partial panel layout).
From the screen shot you put up, all you have to do is use the arrow on the left side and compact your panels. Then you han drag the split scteen down to show more of your panels.Comment
I just had 32 sunpower panels installed. X22-360 AC with microinverters. My dealer tells me he can't get the panel arrays lined up like I want on the website. Can someone post a picture of how their panels look on that website please?
Can someone post a picture of how their panels look on that website please?
Does anyone know how to let me put a picture on this forum? It says I don't have authorization to post attachments.
ehunter - would you be willing to post a picture of your panel layout on another site that is publicly accessible with a link on this forum, or email it to me at jhs24 at
At the moment my array is shadowed and the day before, fogged in until about 1pm. Completely fogged in on the 28th.
BTW - I dont think the graphics for my panels show the actual correct sequence. I wonder if I have control over that?
rushclimber - The issue is not seeing the panels. The issue is my dealer doesn't have the panels laid out correctly on the web site.Comment
Ehunter - You don't have control over the layout. I just had my dealer call in to sunpower technical to get some stuff on the website fixed. Here is the info to call in.
Make sure you have the PVS serial number and the panel layout serial numbers if you want them to switch them around. I have not asked them to change any serial numbers on my setup, but if anyone could, it would be these guys. You will need to already have verified for yourself which numbers are where on your roof if you want something you can tell them exactly what is in the wrong place on the website. (IE: Tell them you have a solution and need their help, and you have all the info to do it because you dealer didn't put it in right).
SunPower Technical Support | Customer Care and Engineering Services
GBFS | office 1.800.SUNPOWER |
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
I was also able to connect to the monitoring system locally and was able to pull data for individual modules. The data seems to point to an issue with one module. Attached are the graphs I obtained.
Am I correct in identifying the failing module based on the graphs?
Solar Panel 3.jpgSolar Panel 1.jpgComment
Hello everyone, good tips in here.
I wanted to weigh in on the topic.
I have a 27 panel X22-360 array and after almost a year of back and forth, finally had the microinverters swapped out.
Of course, I saw an instant jump in production as I was way below normal and I could show it over the almost 3 years of production.
Of course I have horrible customer support from my installer but I guess Sunpower made them do it.
I would bet money all panels are not producing because for the one day, I noted a whole 'string' or circuit of panels producing nothing.
Same thing happened @ PTO turn up. Was showing around 45KWh a day and was thinking that was cool but then they hooked up that last group and I'm in the mid 60's.
I called and was told to wait 24-48 hrs for it all to catch Excuse me if I don't buy that line.
Once I have some visibility, I will post some stats. I did see much better production today but the app shows that red error and says my system is not reporting or has an issue of some sort.
Guess I will be patient for a couple days.
I'm in SoCal btw.
I have the new MI model # if anybody is curious.
My city made me eliminate my 28th panel...SoCal is pathetic.Comment
As you can see, microinverters can really hurt production and how do we really know something is amiss. I still can't see panel info and I suspect I have some panels down.Attached FilesComment
The partner site does show a lifetime graph that really shows the big picture I noticed.
I can see now exactly when my production started to decline and it was in the first year already.