my 4 panels are DEAD :( what i did wrong ?

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  • nadeem5476
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2014
    • 20


    my 4 panels are DEAD :( what i did wrong ?

    Hi all ,

    i had 8 panels total , , 6 panels are of 300 watts with Voc 44 and power volts 36 with 8 amps output and 2 panels of 200 watts Each Voc 44 volts power volts 36 and amps are 5.4 ,
    what i did is as under :
    as the 200 watts panel's out put amps were less so i tie them both 200 watts panel in parallel to make it a bigger panel like 10.2 amps and then tie this pair with other 300 watts panels (all 300 watts panels are in series) so practically i had 6 300 watts panels all in series and one big 400 watts panel also in series with the 300 watts panels . total 7 panels in series .

    The setup was like this :
    300 + 300 +400 (200 plus 200) +300 + 300 + 300 + 300 watts

    This setup was working fine but i noticed the less power coming one day ! i checked each panel Voc , The panels before the 400 watts panel were giving Voc half and one third respectively , and in 400 watts panel One panel of 200 watt was giving 12 volts Voc and the other was giving 35 volts Voc

    all the panels after this 400 watt panel are fine giving proper Voc of 44 volts .

    May i know what did i do wrong ? so my 4 panels are not giving proper output

    i need to know before i install new panels .

    I also checked the by pass diodes , they are not leaky as well .

    Thanks in advance

    Nadeem Ahmed
  • inetdog
    Super Moderator
    • May 2012
    • 9909

    I can't say that you did anything wrong to damage the panels in question. But the symptom, of 1/2 voltage and 1/3 voltage (more likely 2/3 and 1/3??) suggests one or more open circuit s(broken tab wire or cracked cell) in each of the panels. The bypass diodes are, as designed, bypassing the damaged section(s) of the panel and dropping the voltage.
    If the fault is a high resistance rather than a complete open circuit you would still expect to see the full Voc when the panel is not connected to a load.
    SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.

