Correct my math please, my wife doesnt believe me.
i would very much like to 'solar-ize' my home, and have done **some** searching for information. let me describe what i've come up with.
my electric bill states that i used 39kWh average per day, from mid april to mid may [i think thats a bit high and we need to adjust our usage but for the sake of discussion, let's go with it]. using the formula:
i calculate that we use 1625W average (39000Wh / 24h = 1625W). for the sake of simplicity, and not knowing how to calculate actual needs for myself, i used information from this post:
specifically this portion quoting Jasun:
**Assuming** a perfect installation with no losses due to wiring or less than perfect solar cells,
i then used information about Ohm's law from this site:
to calculate the wattage from some cells sold on ebay, "108 3x6 .5v3.6a Evergreen solar cells +wires flux sldr ", indicating that each cell provides 1.8W. the math looks like this:
at 1.8W i would need approximately 225 cells. again, this assumes no loss due to imperfect cells, or installation issues, or wire/heat loss, as well as proper location and orientation of the panels. But at the prices i found on eBay, i would be in spending in the range of $450-500(US) for the cells. my electricity usage was $450 for a peak use winter month last december. considering that i have some electrical and electronic experience, i could do *some* of the simpler wiring, as well as building my own panels. i also have a friend who is a licensed electrician who would be willing to assist where able.
my wife says i've been listening to too much late night radio [coast to coast with george noory], and that i'm crazy to think that i could solar-ize our home for anywhere south of $10,000. i know that i haven't included controllers, batteries etc, but the panels alone. so let me know ... where is my math wrong?
i would very much like to 'solar-ize' my home, and have done **some** searching for information. let me describe what i've come up with.
my electric bill states that i used 39kWh average per day, from mid april to mid may [i think thats a bit high and we need to adjust our usage but for the sake of discussion, let's go with it]. using the formula:
100W X 30h = 3000Wh = 3kWh ([url][/url])
specifically this portion quoting Jasun:
To get about 2000 watts of electricity, you'll need about 400watts of solar panels.
A good average price of solar panels is $5 a watt. So you are looking at roughly $2000 for a system to supplement your needs.
A good average price of solar panels is $5 a watt. So you are looking at roughly $2000 for a system to supplement your needs.
i then used information about Ohm's law from this site:
to calculate the wattage from some cells sold on ebay, "108 3x6 .5v3.6a Evergreen solar cells +wires flux sldr ", indicating that each cell provides 1.8W. the math looks like this:
P = E x I -or- 3.6a * .5v = 1.8W
my wife says i've been listening to too much late night radio [coast to coast with george noory], and that i'm crazy to think that i could solar-ize our home for anywhere south of $10,000. i know that i haven't included controllers, batteries etc, but the panels alone. so let me know ... where is my math wrong?