Thanks, found and read up on them a little, but could not find any for Australia (despite searching).
I imagine it would be a nightmare to try to get approval and rebates for the first system of it's kind to be installed in Australia. I need one that is approved and professionally installed, I bet they exclude DIY installations of GT systems.
yes there is one company currently selling in Australia called APS Australia, check it out:
Last edited by russ; 08-27-2012, 11:25 AM.
Reason: removed link
The only approval that is valid for any inverter to be connected to the grid is a AS4777 DONE BY A RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION APPROVED TO DO SO THAT IS IN AUSTRALIA..
An AS4777 done in China, Istanbul or the North Pole is NOT VALID...
yes there is one company currently selling in Australia called APS Australia, check it out:
The APS Australia website is either poorly maintained or deliberately evasive. None of the links on testing which are prominently mentioned in text actually appear on the web pages. And the RETI site (which looks legitimate) does not have any mention of the APS Microinverters supposedly "currently under test."