I realize the discussion is moot. Would be nice. Yes Breakers (and wire insulation) are usually rated for the max voltage present, usually 300V, sometimes 600V. I think we would end up with one voltage, not 120/240 (like on the range, Dryer, etc.) and there are many ways to do this. Yes some rejiggering of the panel would be necessary, and the end result would be one leg and neutral, 240 et al to Neutral. Probably tie the bussbars in the panel to one leg from a transformer, and the other leg becomes neutral on the load side. Replace 2 pole breakers with single pole breakers on those circuits and tie L2 to Neutral.
Would definitely create jobs, but would be about as impossible as converting the UK, It's former colonies, and Japan to driving on the Right.
Being first also gave us the lovely 525 line NTSC Television... But then PAL and SECAM sucked, But that is a whole 'nother debate. What we have now with side band channels (3.1, 3.2, etc) and varying resolution and picture format sucks ass. I miss the old analog days where changing the channel gave you an instant picture.
Would definitely create jobs, but would be about as impossible as converting the UK, It's former colonies, and Japan to driving on the Right.

Being first also gave us the lovely 525 line NTSC Television... But then PAL and SECAM sucked, But that is a whole 'nother debate. What we have now with side band channels (3.1, 3.2, etc) and varying resolution and picture format sucks ass. I miss the old analog days where changing the channel gave you an instant picture.