What is your current experience with your supply chain. Lets hear stories.
I just spent all morning today trying to procure a solar ready, SQ-D 200 panel. No dice. Gave up on the brand, gave up on the solar ready still no luck. Finally gave up on doing this panel change all together. The only combo service panels I can find are a few on EBAY selling for astronomical prices. Unbelievable.
The inverters we like to use are on allocation from my usual distributors and it feels like I am now living in a 2nd world country....
I just spent all morning today trying to procure a solar ready, SQ-D 200 panel. No dice. Gave up on the brand, gave up on the solar ready still no luck. Finally gave up on doing this panel change all together. The only combo service panels I can find are a few on EBAY selling for astronomical prices. Unbelievable.
The inverters we like to use are on allocation from my usual distributors and it feels like I am now living in a 2nd world country....