We're at the point of actually needing to start setting anchors into the ground for our solar install here at our house. Unfortunately, I did the initial site survey mid-winter, guessing about the obstruction from vegetation and also guessing about where I'd actually be able to put anchors into the ground for the panel mounts. OUPS came out and marked the underground utilities today and my preferred site for the array is out of the question. In trying to find an alternative, I also realized I'd really missed a lot of obstructions in the winter due to lack of leaves. So given that I'm really constrained by where I can put anchors in the ground, there's one site where just looking around I could see a lot more sky than anywhere else. When I did a new survey (using Spyglass on iOS), I realized that due south is basically clobbered by 2 large cherry trees that are in a place I can't access to cut down. I've attached a chart that has the path of the sun through the sky each month vs the treeline. Given that the East sky isn't great, and the South sky is completely clobbered, it seems like the array needs to face southwest (roughly 225*) to maximize the clear sky available from the only location that's even slightly viable. However, "ignoring" half the day just feels really wrong if I'm trying to catch sun! What do you guys think of this?
solar_insolation_sun_path_chart-mod copy.jpg
solar_insolation_sun_path_chart-mod copy.jpg