Hello there. Long-time reader here! I have an 18 panel 2-string 4.5 kW solar array on my asphalt shingle roof. As you can see from the picture, the combiner box is properly flashed for this roof type. I will be replacing my roof soon with a standing seam metal roof (24 gauge, kynar coated, 16 in wide panels with 1.5 in seam height). My roofing contractor does not know much about solar panel installation, thus I will be removing and re-installing the panels myself. I've narrowed down the proper S-5 clamps to attach the racking to the metal roof. That part is clear to me now.
I need to figure out how to replace the combiner box on a standing seam metal roof. How would the flashing be done in this case? Anyone familiar with the proper details?
Many thanks!
I need to figure out how to replace the combiner box on a standing seam metal roof. How would the flashing be done in this case? Anyone familiar with the proper details?
Many thanks!