While sure not proof, my professional experience has been that changes to codes and standards that have wide use and acceptance most often come about as a result of/reaction to new products and procedures rather than changes found to be necessary/safer/better from experience gathered from long term or wide use.
The former type changes seem/tend to happen quickly and reactively, particularly in response to failures/injury accidents from misuse or ignorance of the limits of an (often) new device.
The latter type changes tend to be more evolutionary and deliberate in nature.
As for better/worse ways to get code conformance, that may be one reason why the Almighty made AHJ's and code inspectors - to protect the great unwashed masses from irresponsible behavior by inconsiderate morons that, while it may improve the gene pool and take out more of the morons if left to their own devices, can cause collateral damage to the rest of society.
The former type changes seem/tend to happen quickly and reactively, particularly in response to failures/injury accidents from misuse or ignorance of the limits of an (often) new device.
The latter type changes tend to be more evolutionary and deliberate in nature.
As for better/worse ways to get code conformance, that may be one reason why the Almighty made AHJ's and code inspectors - to protect the great unwashed masses from irresponsible behavior by inconsiderate morons that, while it may improve the gene pool and take out more of the morons if left to their own devices, can cause collateral damage to the rest of society.