Hi, I have been asked by a ishockey club for a price on a 100 kW system on their roof. They have a roof where thetop layer is rubber, then insulation and then metall sheet roof.
The inclination is 15 degrese so I dont think I could use a ballast system. When it comes to beams and rafters I think they are few and far between since I think the metall sheet ( witch looks like trapezodial sheet) is "self careing" and is made handle load. This is in sweden so we are faceing high snow loads. I am thinking to use 72 cell 335 w canadian solar. In the attched photo, the nr is the rubber, number 2 is insulation and 3 is a moisture stopper number 4 is the metall sheet. Have you guys installed on anything similar? How did you solve it and if so, what manufactorer of mounting system did you use?
The inclination is 15 degrese so I dont think I could use a ballast system. When it comes to beams and rafters I think they are few and far between since I think the metall sheet ( witch looks like trapezodial sheet) is "self careing" and is made handle load. This is in sweden so we are faceing high snow loads. I am thinking to use 72 cell 335 w canadian solar. In the attched photo, the nr is the rubber, number 2 is insulation and 3 is a moisture stopper number 4 is the metall sheet. Have you guys installed on anything similar? How did you solve it and if so, what manufactorer of mounting system did you use?