Tyler the reason you are catching so much flack is you are not listening and refuse to apply simple logic and economics. There is no reason to ever switch to batteries. Here is what we see in you doing.
Imagine two gas stations side by side on a corner and you need gasoline. One station sells gas for $3/gal, and the other sells it for $30/gal with a 1 gallon limit. All of giving you flack go to the station for $3/gal for all we want, and you are the only one who pays $30/gal 1 gallon at a time. Wake up dude and listen.
Any power that comes from batteries is going to cost you many times more than buying it from the power company. To supply you with 1 Kwh/day (10-cents worth of electricity) battery cost are roughly $1200 for each Kwh. That battery on average if you treat it with TLC will last about 5 years until it needs replaced again at higher cost. In the 5 years that ! Kwh/day battery delivers 1865 Kwh. Just in battery cost alone works out to $1200 / 1865 Kwh = $0.64/Kwh. You can buy that same Kwh from the power company for 10 to 15 cents with no limit.
However you only want to use the batteries once in a while whenever you think it is convenient.
Regardless if you use the batteries are not, they still need replaced in this case in 5 to 7 years. Let's say in 6 years you use it 100 times. Your Kwh cost now are roughly $1200 / 100 Kwh = $12/Kwh.
So quit being that fool who pays $30/gal.
Listen to us old fools who have been there and already made the stupid mistakes.
Imagine two gas stations side by side on a corner and you need gasoline. One station sells gas for $3/gal, and the other sells it for $30/gal with a 1 gallon limit. All of giving you flack go to the station for $3/gal for all we want, and you are the only one who pays $30/gal 1 gallon at a time. Wake up dude and listen.
Any power that comes from batteries is going to cost you many times more than buying it from the power company. To supply you with 1 Kwh/day (10-cents worth of electricity) battery cost are roughly $1200 for each Kwh. That battery on average if you treat it with TLC will last about 5 years until it needs replaced again at higher cost. In the 5 years that ! Kwh/day battery delivers 1865 Kwh. Just in battery cost alone works out to $1200 / 1865 Kwh = $0.64/Kwh. You can buy that same Kwh from the power company for 10 to 15 cents with no limit.
However you only want to use the batteries once in a while whenever you think it is convenient.
So quit being that fool who pays $30/gal.