How do i figure out the proper charge rate for the batteries?
The charge rate for Pb type batteries are usually between C/12 and C/8 where C = Ah rating of your system.
For a 900Ah battery system you need to get your charging amps between 75A and 112.5amps. I usually focus on a C/10 charge rate which would be 90amps but unfortunately that is more then a typical CC that has a maximum rating of 80Amps.
If you get lower than a C/12 rate you run the risk of getting the battery plates sulfated which causes them to die.
Each charge controler will have 16 6v batteries or 2 48v batteries to maintain.
The plan is to use copper pipe as a pos and neg buss bars for the controllers and inverters to tie together and tie the batteries to the buss bars with equal length wires. This was sugested to me by a tech at Arizona wind and sun (a retail store).
Each charge controler will have 16 6v batteries or 2 48v batteries to maintain.
The plan is to use copper pipe as a pos and neg buss bars for the controllers and inverters to tie together and tie the batteries to the buss bars with equal length wires. This was sugested to me by a tech at Arizona wind and sun (a retail store).
If you tie them together just be careful that one battery bank doesn't do all the work. The same goes for the CC's. They need to work together or they will fight each other to maintain the system charge voltage.
If you tie them together just be careful that one battery bank doesn't do all the work. The same goes for the CC's. They need to work together or they will fight each other to maintain the system charge voltage.