My name is Tony, and I recently retired. I have several projects in mind that will require some innovative thinking.
My background is very diverse. I have over 44+ years in Information Technology, working for IBM, DEC and EDS. Prior to that I had high school electronics and basic computers (Yes Margaret, we had high school computer classes in 1962.). I joined the US Army after high school and work with Radar and Radio sets. I am a Vietnam Veteran.
I hold a valid US and Canadian private pilots license and started flying in high school and have flown at least 15 different aircraft to include a US Navy T-28 Trojan trainer. Along the way I built a full-sized metal biplane, and a Ultralight. I partially completed an all wooden Barracuda high-performance aircraft.
Presently I have published three fictional book, and I am writing a fourth.
I have owned two XJ-12 V-12 Jaguars, to include rebuilding the engines. I have no training on engine rebuilding, especially V-12's but the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), loved pulling me over for breaking the sound barrier at low altitudes. So I guess I did a great job.
Now that I have that out of the way, I have several projects swirling around in my head; the unfortunate part is where to work on them. I live in a sort of semi-country setting in Alberta Canada, just 38 kilometers, 25 miles for my American friends, southwest of Calgary (I am still an American.). I grew up in Indianapolis, but prior to making the trek to Canada in 1994, lived in Dallas for eight-years. My body refuses to believe -40C to -50C is a normal way of life for a whole civilization of people. I refuse to join them.
There is an unheated detached work shed for me to use, but the question becomes how to heat it. That is why I am on this website to offer my two-cents worth, except the penny is dead in Canada, so I guess I'll have to offer my five-cents worth.
And in return, someone can point me in the right direction for my projects. There is not enough space on the Internet to brag about them. You can follow my threads to get an idea.
Please note I am not a scientist, nerd, genius, mathematician, chemistry, electronics, or computer major.
My name is Tony, and I recently retired. I have several projects in mind that will require some innovative thinking.
My background is very diverse. I have over 44+ years in Information Technology, working for IBM, DEC and EDS. Prior to that I had high school electronics and basic computers (Yes Margaret, we had high school computer classes in 1962.). I joined the US Army after high school and work with Radar and Radio sets. I am a Vietnam Veteran.
I hold a valid US and Canadian private pilots license and started flying in high school and have flown at least 15 different aircraft to include a US Navy T-28 Trojan trainer. Along the way I built a full-sized metal biplane, and a Ultralight. I partially completed an all wooden Barracuda high-performance aircraft.
Presently I have published three fictional book, and I am writing a fourth.
I have owned two XJ-12 V-12 Jaguars, to include rebuilding the engines. I have no training on engine rebuilding, especially V-12's but the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), loved pulling me over for breaking the sound barrier at low altitudes. So I guess I did a great job.
Now that I have that out of the way, I have several projects swirling around in my head; the unfortunate part is where to work on them. I live in a sort of semi-country setting in Alberta Canada, just 38 kilometers, 25 miles for my American friends, southwest of Calgary (I am still an American.). I grew up in Indianapolis, but prior to making the trek to Canada in 1994, lived in Dallas for eight-years. My body refuses to believe -40C to -50C is a normal way of life for a whole civilization of people. I refuse to join them.
There is an unheated detached work shed for me to use, but the question becomes how to heat it. That is why I am on this website to offer my two-cents worth, except the penny is dead in Canada, so I guess I'll have to offer my five-cents worth.
And in return, someone can point me in the right direction for my projects. There is not enough space on the Internet to brag about them. You can follow my threads to get an idea.
Please note I am not a scientist, nerd, genius, mathematician, chemistry, electronics, or computer major.