Solar Panel Talk has been selected to be featured on a list of 101 Terrific Sites on Renewable Energy. You can check out who else made the list here: http://www.environmentalsciencedegre...ewable-energy/
SPT on 101 Terrific Sites on Renewable Energy
Solar Panel Talk has been selected to be featured on a list of 101 Terrific Sites on Renewable Energy. You can check out who else made the list here: http://www.environmentalsciencedegre...ewable-energy/
Solar Panel Talk is one of the few sites I've run across stating realistic use of solar power and helping curious minds get in touch with reality. SPT is a one of a kind in my opinion. Great knowledge base, excellent advice and enough newbies always stopping in to make it very entertaining. -
Congratulations! This site is extremely helpful. Thank you!!
Solar Panel Talk has been selected to be featured on a list of 101 Terrific Sites on Renewable Energy. You can check out who else made the list here: http://www.environmentalsciencedegre...ewable-energy/Comment
Great Starting Point
Thanks for the Site. So much information - just fascinating sites.. GR8