Greetings from a new member! I write concerning a solar pumping system I bought from a supplier in Johannesburg, South Africa, and installed in Mozambique. It is not performing as per specs and the supplier has no answers for me. I get contradictory advice from other suppliers. The factory (Wenling Jintai) tells me the pump doesn't have the capacity (pressure) required, but according to the test curves it does. The details are:
Pump model: JS3 2.1-100
Control box: 48V
Solar panels: 4 x 36V/165W, arranged to give 72V output
Distance from solar panels to controller: 4m
Cable thickness used for solar panels: 4mm
Distance from controller to pump (down borehole): 80m
Cable thickness used: 6mm
Voltage from the solar panels into controller with pump switched off: 80V
Voltage from the solar panels into controller with pump running: 71-75V
Pipe thickness: 32mm HDPE (also from borehole to tank)
Total head between pump and tank: 85m (but dynamic water level is at 70m, so net total head = 75m)
Distance between borehole and tank: 33m
The pump was delivering a trickle of water, at best. Both pump and control box were taken back to the supplier for testing on their test bench (with a 48V battery array) and produced 650 l/h at 80m, but on site only about 150 l/h. Now no water at all is reaching the tank although the pump is running. One supplier says the problem is the control box which should be a 72V one, not 48V. Please could you advise what the problem could be.
Pump model: JS3 2.1-100
Control box: 48V
Solar panels: 4 x 36V/165W, arranged to give 72V output
Distance from solar panels to controller: 4m
Cable thickness used for solar panels: 4mm
Distance from controller to pump (down borehole): 80m
Cable thickness used: 6mm
Voltage from the solar panels into controller with pump switched off: 80V
Voltage from the solar panels into controller with pump running: 71-75V
Pipe thickness: 32mm HDPE (also from borehole to tank)
Total head between pump and tank: 85m (but dynamic water level is at 70m, so net total head = 75m)
Distance between borehole and tank: 33m
The pump was delivering a trickle of water, at best. Both pump and control box were taken back to the supplier for testing on their test bench (with a 48V battery array) and produced 650 l/h at 80m, but on site only about 150 l/h. Now no water at all is reaching the tank although the pump is running. One supplier says the problem is the control box which should be a 72V one, not 48V. Please could you advise what the problem could be.