Solar Oven

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  • MM73
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2024
    • 1


    Solar Oven

    Hi everyone, my wife and I recently built a solar oven for ourselves and documented the build for anyone interested in doing the same. It works surprisingly well (here in Portugal at any rate):

  • J.P.M.
    Solar Fanatic
    • Aug 2013
    • 15003

    - How much have you used any particular solar oven you've built ?
    - How much insulation does this oven contain and where is that insulation located relative to the warmest portions of the box ?
    The last box I built as an air-cooled collector using plywood and other materials spontaneously combusted after about 50 hours of testing because the materials' kindling temp. was lowered due to severe drying out.
    - Testing. What is the highest temperature differential (ambient air to oven interior) that your oven attained ?
    - You do know that some of your materials will likely off gas chemicals, some of which will be added to the food, right?
    What did you do to investigate that and account for such things.

    I question that you know what your doing and I'd suggest more testing before someone takes your what I consider to be your perhaps well-intentioned but obviously ignorant ideas and does some damage.
    I encourage enterprise and curiosity but you seem to not know you're playing with fire here.
    I was once where you are.

