Solar Fridges and Freezers
And now a word from our sponsor. If you are interested in looking at solar refrigerators or freezers, you can look at them at SolarTown's website, which has them either as a standalone product or as kits with the charge controllers, solar panels, and batteries. Depending on where you are, they come with about 2-4 days backup. You can also purchased a direct drive, which comes without the batteries, but you have to be reasonably certain that you are going to have some sun soon. And for all of these, you can also purchase an AC adaptor.
And now a word from our sponsor. If you are interested in looking at solar refrigerators or freezers, you can look at them at SolarTown's website, which has them either as a standalone product or as kits with the charge controllers, solar panels, and batteries. Depending on where you are, they come with about 2-4 days backup. You can also purchased a direct drive, which comes without the batteries, but you have to be reasonably certain that you are going to have some sun soon. And for all of these, you can also purchase an AC adaptor.