Two significant ways to control mold in a swamp cooler are to let the pads dry thoroughly between uses (not easy if the outside humidity is high, but you would not be using a swamp cooler then anyway) and draining the water sump periodically (some coolers do this automatically every N hours of running.)
Solar powered AC air conditioning, a bummer or a challenge?
I have found that what is written for the specifications, and what the real world performance to be far from matching.
I have purchased a window sized "Compressed gas" air conditioner that cost $280 USD to compare a real life experiment with my $209 USD modified Peltier theory unit.
Although you are using "Watts" on a label to base facts to show I am a fool... I am following the DC amps that come from my battery bank to run the DC (modified rare-earth Peltier modules) air conditioner, and an AC powered "Compressed gas" air conditioner from the inverter, that is to be SO much more efficient...
Keep in mind, that DC amps to AC amps is far from the same !!!!
The room was maintained at 21 degrees C, and between 46-47% humidity.
After 24 hours for each unit individually tested... (windows opened and room equalised to 33C ambient outside temp between each test)
AC air conditioner consumed 148.12 DC amps
DC air conditioner consumed 149.52 DC amps
The AC unit compressor kicking in has a huge draw, and it goes on and off several times an hour... That adds up over a 24 hour period.
The DC unit just works at a steady and constant pace....
New question... What can I do with that nearly 2 whole DC amps I save by spending more money on the AC powered "Compressed gas" air conditioner ???
My purpose for all of this is to show that technology is continually improving, and we can take an old technology, improve it, and use it to our advantage.
Keep an open mind, and do some real experimenting yourself, rather then believing what labels have written on them... You may be surprised from the results !
The TEC modules I had made for this have possibilities... They can still be improved upon.
The only person I need to convince is myself, but I just wanted to share with you, that alternative methods of Air Conditioning exist.
Alan... the happy foolComment
I have found that what is written for the specifications, and what the real world performance to be far from matching.
I have purchased a window sized "Compressed gas" air conditioner that cost $280 USD to compare a real life experiment with my $209 USD modified Peltier theory unit.
Although you are using "Watts" on a label to base facts to show I am a fool... I am following the DC amps that come from my battery bank to run the DC (modified rare-earth Peltier modules) air conditioner, and an AC powered "Compressed gas" air conditioner from the inverter, that is to be SO much more efficient...
Keep in mind, that DC amps to AC amps is far from the same !!!!
The room was maintained at 21 degrees C, and between 46-47% humidity.
After 24 hours for each unit individually tested... (windows opened and room equalised to 33C ambient outside temp between each test)
AC air conditioner consumed 148.12 DC amps
DC air conditioner consumed 149.52 DC amps
The AC unit compressor kicking in has a huge draw, and it goes on and off several times an hour... That adds up over a 24 hour period.
The DC unit just works at a steady and constant pace....
New question... What can I do with that nearly 2 whole DC amps I save by spending more money on the AC powered "Compressed gas" air conditioner ???
My purpose for all of this is to show that technology is continually improving, and we can take an old technology, improve it, and use it to our advantage.
Keep an open mind, and do some real experimenting yourself, rather then believing what labels have written on them... You may be surprised from the results !
The TEC modules I had made for this have possibilities... They can still be improved upon.
The only person I need to convince is myself, but I just wanted to share with you, that alternative methods of Air Conditioning exist.
Alan... the happy fool
Be careful when you compare an AC and DC air conditioner efficiency. While you want to use a DC amps measurement you are not providing the energy data. You need to compare energy used (watts) to energy created (BTU/hr) to determine efficiency of a cooling or heating unit.
You also didn't provide a BTU rating of either unit so unless they were the same "size" a comparison of energy used may be incorrect.Comment
Your DC air conditioner uses 1794 watts slightly higher than the airconditioner but runs continious and does not cycle because it is only has 1/4 the cooling BTU capacity. So 1794 watts x 24 hours = 43.-5 Kwh in a day almost 3 times the energy.
This is the part you do not get. Your Peltier cooling is extremely inefficient and cannot even come close to competing with even a inexpensive air conditioner. Your numbers prove it. You have chosen the most inefficient means to cool a room. Quit fooling yourself because you are not fooling us.
What you are missing is BTU cooling to Watt cooling capacity called EER. Most Window Shakers have an EER of 10. So a 6000 BTU window shaker with a EER of 10 will consume 6000 BTU's / 10 EER = 600 watts. A Peltier cooling has an EER around 2 or 3 which means for 6000 BTU of cooling will require 6000 BTU's / 3 EER = 2000 watts over 3 times as much power a gas compressor would consume..
EER = BTU's / WattsMSEE, PEComment
That sure looks good on paper...
I do not want to debate about the eBay TEC modules you compare to...
No one has even attempted to enquire about the TEC modules I had made for this. Your focus is on the simple fix and elsewhere.
Keep those CFC's flowing gentlemen !!!!! I going sailing today... while we still have an Ozone Layer !
Have a great weekend !
That sure looks good on paper...
I do not want to debate about the eBay TEC modules you compare to...
No one has even attempted to enquire about the TEC modules I had made for this. Your focus is on the simple fix and elsewhere.
Keep those CFC's flowing gentlemen !!!!! I going sailing today... while we still have an Ozone Layer !
Have a great weekend !
AlanMSEE, PEComment
After 24 hours for each unit individually tested... (windows opened and room equalised to 33C ambient outside temp between each test)
AC air conditioner consumed 148.12 DC amps
DC air conditioner consumed 149.52 DC amps
The AC unit compressor kicking in has a huge draw, and it goes on and off several times an hour... That adds up over a 24 hour period.
The DC unit just works at a steady and constant pace....
Alan... the happy fool
Thank you.Comment
I am new to the forum, but recently read a post (closed thread) by Sunking that leads you through the calculations required to design a off grid system.
Found it here>>
Sunking does a good job describing calculations plus end costs per KWh.
I would also offer my personal experience of 12 years of living with off-grid power. I can assure you that my per KWh costs have been well above what the local utility charges (approx $.10/KWh). I live where I do by choice, but would connect to the grid with no reservations if it was available.
Spending your $$$ on a grid tied system would be a better option to offset your cooling costs.Comment
Can you tell me how do you get the total DC amperes in 24 hours? Do you use a special meter that record the DC amperes usage like the Kill-a-watt meter or the Utility AC watt hours meter? I love to get one of those DC meter so I can record my batteries uasage without guessing.
Thank you.
VE.Net BPP System.jpg
It's interesting to try. Is this work for all window air conditioner models?
Last edited by MarionReynolds; 08-21-2018, 03:31 AM.Comment
Clean the drain on the inside coil,and or disassemble the unit and clean all dirt from the inside of the unit.Comment
Solar powered AC air conditioning, a bummer or a challenge?
The problem with solar powered ........ system is the relative (lack) of cost of natgas. We have a large 75 gal natgas tank (no we don't use nearly that much, but code mandates that size for the number of bathrooms in the house... sigh...), and even that monster only generates $20-25 a month of utility cost. Almost all of your savings from running solar water heating would need to come from cooling reduction to make it viable, and I just don't see it working all that well for that. Ambients in Texas summers can average high 90's, and we already build houses with 14' ceilings to take advantage of interior thermals, so I'd be dubious that heating water through roof tile absorption would offset cooling cost enough for a decent ROI.
The direct link to another website was removed. Please do not attach links without the Forum owners permission.Comment
solar powered ac
I did not say that the Air conditioner was powered by 12vdc. It runs on Alternating current. But a solar panel only makes DC voltage.Comment
I'm sure non-renewable energy costs will skyrocket long before that.
I'm sure non-renewable energy costs will skyrocket long before that.Comment
But I do not know of such a commercial unit at this time.SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.Comment