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  • inetdog
    Super Moderator
    • May 2012
    • 9909

    Originally posted by Sunking
    You do not have to bust a atom apart to move energy around or release it. It does no thave to be an unstable atom to release or transfer energy from one state to another.

    X-rays are nuclear energy is it not? X-rays are man made with nothing more then a high voltage voltage ionizing an inert material, focus the bean at flesh and bones and that in turns knock off photons to strike a film or receiver device for you to see.
    No, not nuclear energy. Elementary particle, sure, and quantum, but if you are just involving the electrons (as X-ray tubes do) then it is not nuclear.

    (Used to be a high energy physicist, so I feel strongly about that stuff.)
    SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.


    • Sunking
      Solar Fanatic
      • Feb 2010
      • 23301

      OK then I assume you only classify radiation as Alpha and Beta which I think are particulate matter aka ionizing radiation (Radioactive Material). As opposed to non ionizing radiation like Gamma, X-Ray, Light, and Microwave which are electromagnetic? Where does that leave Cosmic that pilots and astronauts are exposed too.

      Been going through another crash course on radiation the last two months as my wife has been going through radiation treatments after breast cancer. Spending some time with her Radiologist talking shop. Strange discussing shop with two doctors talking to an idiot engineer.
      MSEE, PE


      • inetdog
        Super Moderator
        • May 2012
        • 9909

        Originally posted by Sunking
        OK then I assume you only classify radiation as Alpha and Beta which I think are particulate matter aka ionizing radiation (Radioactive Material). As opposed to non ionizing radiation like Gamma, X-Ray, Light, and Microwave which are electromagnetic? Where does that leave Cosmic that pilots and astronauts are exposed too.

        Been going through another crash course on radiation the last two months as my wife has been going through radiation treatments after breast cancer. Spending some time with her Radiologist talking shop. Strange discussing shop with two doctors talking to an idiot engineer.
        There definitely is a difference between different forms of what we lump together as radiation. Particle radiation (particles with rest mass anyway ) and EM radiation from x-rays down through visible light to microwaves to LF radio. EM Radiation can be ionizing or non-ionizing. Particle radiation can be ionizing or non-ionizing too, (non-directly-ionizing for neutral particles, although a capture event has plenty of energy to create ions!)

        To get into the nucleus of an atom you need to have really high energies and also hit the target head on. (The classic experiments that led to the understanding that there was a small concentration of matter and charge inside a cloud of electrons looked at backscattered x-rays and back-scattered particle beams.)

        I do not call it nuclear radiation (either particle or photon) unless it involves the nucleus. The photon energies involved in PV are nowhere near that energy range.

        Cosmic radiation's primary characteristic is high energy, but it can consist of either particle or EM radiation. Some types of cosmic radiation cause effects primarily by the secondary radiation they produce while slowing down in the atmosphere, the astronaut, or his surroundings.

        I wish you and you wife the best, and fortunately radiation treatment seems to work equally well whether the patient or the family understand how it works. But IMHO it is more reassuring to know why the oncologist makes the treatment decisions he or she does.
        SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.


        • russ
          Solar Fanatic
          • Jul 2009
          • 10360

          Best of wishes and luck to you and your wife Sunking!


          • TomP
            • Aug 2010
            • 59

            You just need to search for solar 16" dc fan.

            Years ago there would be a simple answer to your question, as the supply was very limited. I did a cursory search and was amazed at the options. Yes you are going to have to roll the dice and just try something, as it is hard to understand your needs, system, and what you want to spend. You can get a 12" to 16" fan for 15$ to 379$ and CFMs and APM draw, and noise varies as well.

            Now a lot of off gridders seem to have AC these days, or live in cooler areas. I am deep south no AC bodacious shade and solar array 200 feet from house for same reason. Fans i am familiar with. You can use 4" to 6" muffin fans for special situations. The 10/12" computer fans are excellent, cost effective, and a good AMP to CFM ratio.

            Now you get into reliability. I have a fan similar to the one in the link, it is mounted in a screened box and sits in a window, 25 years ago this was one of the few options. High quality DC motor, lubricate it regularly and it Will last for decades.

            In my search I now see the 12 V. car radiator fans, if I were in need,, I might try these, but you have no idea how much noise they make. Muffins noise, to me can be irritating, 12" computer fan is almost silent but have not stood up well, my old 16" fan is reasonably quite.

            Now if you really really want to move air, find an efficient tiny inverter, and get a 9 blade DC ceiling fan that has a built converter. Yes I know this seems unpractical, DC to AC back to DC, but this fan moves 9000 CFMs at about 30 watts. This is best purchase I have made since my Crystal Cold Refrigerator.

