Hi all have brought a home off grid in Valencia Spain need to install solar system ,been to a local store they have given me some ideas ,here is what they recommend investor Rack Inverter 5000W 48V Voltronic Axpert King can take upto 4000watts from panels so 9 450 watt panels batteries polytech ever 2.4kw or 3.5kw any pros or cons to size we’re are south facing totally clear east to west unsure how many batteries to start off with just two of us in the home will be using normal daily stuff at home plus at later stage swimming pool pump and fish pond water is on a pressured pump 50ltr hold tank 500watts any info would be much appreciated as it’s a big chunk of money to spend when your unsure cheers all
New kid on the block
Hello Rob31 and welcome to Solar Panel Talk
Before you spend any money you really need to understand what you need and if that system will get you a comfortable grid system. If you are not looking to go off grid then forget the batteries and look into what your POCO will allow for a grid tie connection.
By the way an off grid system may provide you that watt hours you desire but in most cases it will fall short and you will kill off the batteries which are usually the expensive part of your system. -
As for planning, I agree. He needs to really map out his needs fully first. Saying the loads will be "normal daily stuff" doesn't tell us anything. A swimming pool and a fish pond doesn't sound like typical off-grid living I hear about but certainly can be done. My wife and I live on-grid and average about 17-20 kWh per day excluding heating and cooling. To me, that is normal use.
Dave W. Gilbert AZ
6.63kW grid-tie ownerComment
Ok no grid power pool is here needs work pond alater stage but will happen sometime down the road i will sit down an list everything we want and be good it youguys can give me your input on the way to go cheersComment
What would be helpful to us is the total watts x hours per day that you'll need, on average, usually expressed in kilowatt hours per day (kWh/day). To get that, take each device that you want to power, multiply its power (watts) by the number of hours per day it'll operate. For example running a 1000 watt heater for two hours per day would be 2 kilowatt hours per day (2 kWh/day). Find that number for everything you want to run, add it all together and that's the number of kWh you'll need per day as a basis for the design. A typical house around here might be 20 kWh/day.
Ok thanks it’s a bit hard as we are renovating the place so living a bit rough at the moment but have some idea what we are going to have 3 bedroom all led lights and felling fans combined unsure of wattage as boxed up in store room 2 mobile phones 1 hair dryer 2200 watts not used every day only wife 1 iMac computer 120 watts 2 iPads under floor heating 300 watts x 3 rooms bathroom 1 light with built in speaker towel rail 100/200 watts unsure size yet kitchen fridge freezer 250 watts extractor 25 watts oven 900watts micro wave 700 watts kettle 800 watts light led toaster 1600 watts slow cooker 150 watts Nescafé. Coffee machine 1500 watts 20 seconds air fryer 1425 not used much living room calling light and fan air con 700 watts under floor heating 500 watts 65 inch tv 98 watts hifi unsure all boxed recharge hoover small fish tank 60 watts Alexa Wi-Fi 10 watts water pump 500 watts has 50 litres holding tank so not used every time you flush outside lights are solar chest freezer 300watts charging of tools ?.. pool pump not fitted yet pond not built yet this is stuff we have or are going to get I am sure there will be other things very hard when boxed up hope this makes some sense cheersComment
Ok thanks it’s a bit hard as we are renovating the place so living a bit rough at the moment but have some idea what we are going to have 3 bedroom all led lights and felling fans combined unsure of wattage as boxed up in store room 2 mobile phones 1 hair dryer 2200 watts not used every day only wife 1 iMac computer 120 watts 2 iPads under floor heating 300 watts x 3 rooms bathroom 1 light with built in speaker towel rail 100/200 watts unsure size yet kitchen fridge freezer 250 watts extractor 25 watts oven 900watts micro wave 700 watts kettle 800 watts light led toaster 1600 watts slow cooker 150 watts Nescafé. Coffee machine 1500 watts 20 seconds air fryer 1425 not used much living room calling light and fan air con 700 watts under floor heating 500 watts 65 inch tv 98 watts hifi unsure all boxed recharge hoover small fish tank 60 watts Alexa Wi-Fi 10 watts water pump 500 watts has 50 litres holding tank so not used every time you flush outside lights are solar chest freezer 300watts charging of tools ?.. pool pump not fitted yet pond not built yet this is stuff we have or are going to get I am sure there will be other things very hard when boxed up hope this makes some sense cheersComment
This is what I was going to start off with can add another investor in Parnell if needed plus another 9 panels Rack Inverter 5000W 48V Voltronic Axpert King can take upto 4000watts from panels so 9 450 watt panels batteries polytech ever 2.4kw or 3.5kw any pros or cons to size we’re are south facing totally clear east to west unsure how many batteries to start offComment