So, a renogy 2x100watt panel set with the renogy rover 20amp Mppt charger,
4xtrojen T125 6 VOLT's *wired series, parrelle
2000 watt PI20000X inverter
my 2 pannels are currently wired serires... So 24v input
and the controller is set to flooded bank, and is charging 12
Ive got 2 more of the same panels coming and the 4to1 parallel connectors coming
do i wire the 4 panels parallel?
or do i wire them series parallel?
the 4 panels cant be wired series because what would be 48v
my math tells me 4x parallel will give me about 90 volt
thats also what renogy says
advice please
4xtrojen T125 6 VOLT's *wired series, parrelle
2000 watt PI20000X inverter
my 2 pannels are currently wired serires... So 24v input
and the controller is set to flooded bank, and is charging 12
Ive got 2 more of the same panels coming and the 4to1 parallel connectors coming
do i wire the 4 panels parallel?
or do i wire them series parallel?
the 4 panels cant be wired series because what would be 48v
my math tells me 4x parallel will give me about 90 volt
thats also what renogy says
advice please