Looking for some help/suggestions.
The problem I am solving for: Livestock corral has a water tank that freezes frequently during winter and sometimes 2+ weeks of sub-freezing temps make it a daily challenge to keep water available.
What I have currently (not assembled into any type of system) : the tank, when I purchased, I installed a 12vdc resistance element that I can connect either 600W or 300W
I have purchased 4 - 275W ~40V panels
I have a 24v to 12v converter
I have a 2000W inverter ( I know the element is dc and will not work with this, however, I also have a 1500W 110v resistance element that I currently run off generator to thaw tank)
What I would like to accomplish as quickly as possible: Assemble panels to direct feed 600W element in tank - I understand this will only work during daylight (sun) but my thinking is that during the day, the element can thaw tank and heat water helping to keep it from freezing so thick during night and next day, not as much work to do to thaw (what I currently do with generator and works pretty well)
My long term goal Array feeding into a controller, with battery bank of maybe 4 - 6V 200Ahr (12v system)
inverter giving availability of 110v for hand tools and water pump
Lights for at corral (12v LEDs and/or 110V LEDs)
Sorry for length, but I wanted to give as much info as I could. I am learning solar systems and have not grasped everything yet, like what gauge wires need to go from where to where? how big a controller I would need? do I need combiner box?, can I simply run panels into my 24v to 12v converter direct to my element if I parallel my panels?
Again, solar beginner here but I am very experienced in low voltage systems (do it professionally for alarm, cctv and access systems) so I am familiar with current/electrical practice.
The problem I am solving for: Livestock corral has a water tank that freezes frequently during winter and sometimes 2+ weeks of sub-freezing temps make it a daily challenge to keep water available.
What I have currently (not assembled into any type of system) : the tank, when I purchased, I installed a 12vdc resistance element that I can connect either 600W or 300W
I have purchased 4 - 275W ~40V panels
I have a 24v to 12v converter
I have a 2000W inverter ( I know the element is dc and will not work with this, however, I also have a 1500W 110v resistance element that I currently run off generator to thaw tank)
What I would like to accomplish as quickly as possible: Assemble panels to direct feed 600W element in tank - I understand this will only work during daylight (sun) but my thinking is that during the day, the element can thaw tank and heat water helping to keep it from freezing so thick during night and next day, not as much work to do to thaw (what I currently do with generator and works pretty well)
My long term goal Array feeding into a controller, with battery bank of maybe 4 - 6V 200Ahr (12v system)
inverter giving availability of 110v for hand tools and water pump
Lights for at corral (12v LEDs and/or 110V LEDs)
Sorry for length, but I wanted to give as much info as I could. I am learning solar systems and have not grasped everything yet, like what gauge wires need to go from where to where? how big a controller I would need? do I need combiner box?, can I simply run panels into my 24v to 12v converter direct to my element if I parallel my panels?
Again, solar beginner here but I am very experienced in low voltage systems (do it professionally for alarm, cctv and access systems) so I am familiar with current/electrical practice.