I have spent some time looking through this forum, other forums and Google, etc. I am so confused so please excuse me if this is posted somewhere and I just don’t get it.
My wife and I are in the process of buying a small cabin in upstate NY. There is no grid power available. There is a large propane tank, woodstove and a small refrigerator (electric) that I assume the previous owner used a generator.
My goal is to design a hybrid system (not sure if this is the correct term) with battery power from solar along with a backup generator. I am not looking to go complete solar, I want to be able to have some electrical capacity without running a generator 24/7. I plan to use propane as much as possible. Below is a list of appliances off the top of my head. Cabin would be used in spring, summer and fall mainly with temps getting near or around freezing at the beginning and end of seasons.
Fans 10 WH
Lights 280
Micro 4
TV 45
Refr 750
Total ~ 1100
25% 275 - Laptop/phone chargers and other miscellaneous
1375 WH/Day
I currently own a 3500W generator as well as a portable 2000W generator.
The goal is to provide electricity without constantly running a generator. My head is spinning trying to figure out the size inverter, solar panels, etc.
Initial thoughts are to get a 3000W Inverter/Charger. I am banging my head trying to figure out battery requirements and solar panel requirements. There is a tree line to the south of property so I assume solar would be marginal at best.
What size battery bank would be required?
Would it be possible to run one of my generators during the day to charge the battery bank?
Would it be feasible to set up solar to trickle charge while we are not there to prevent depletion of batteries?
Am I way off base?
https://poweredportablesolar.com/pro...000-flexx-kit/ - $7595 - is buying a kit a good way to go?
Other suggestions/opinions please?