Hello all,
This is my first post, I am impressed by the skill set and level of discourse I have found here so I want to run my setup idea past you.
I want to create an off-grid setup designed to function without batteries or an energy storage mechanism. I recognize this system will not function in inclement weather or nighttime. I know that most inverters will end up creating AC that is much too "dirty" (erratic sine wave; although I don't really understand that concept) to power high demand or more sensitive electronics. I have become enamored with the 2000 Watt secure power supply found on the SMA Sunny Boy models (http://files.sma.de/dl/18726/EPS-US-TB-en-11.pdf). Since the SMA's will convert the DC input to clean AC input for one receptacle in real time, I thought that if I connected 9 Suniva 340 Watt Optimus series panels (https://www.wholesalesolar.com/cms/s...1610309543.pdf) that should create an potential DC input overage of over 1000 watts of what the SPS outlet requires. Using this setup I have in theory created a standard plugin AC power supply which is on whenever the sun is out. I could then use that to power whatever I needed.
I know this setup would be a substantial financial investment for one outlet, but please let us exclude the financial implications from the discourse. I am allergic to maintenance and want to avoid creating a system that becomes useless when the batteries go bad. I know that many of you have chosen the battery route and it is effective, but is the setup I have proposed in theory possible? Could this one inverter coupled with nine panels and bit of sunshine give me a zero maintenance standard 110 AC outlet that could power devices as wide in range from my table saw to my computer without issue?
I look forward to your replies and as a side note, if the setup seems effective for its proposed usage, how should I alter the setup for any potential partial shading issues? Are microinverters even usable in this kind of a setup? Finally, does anyone have any experience with the SMA units to know if this kind of setup risks potentially damaging the inverter? (I would be using the Sunny Boy 5.0 so the total Wattage input should be well within range for the whole device - I am a bit concerned about using the SPS function as an always on outlet)
Thanks all,
This is my first post, I am impressed by the skill set and level of discourse I have found here so I want to run my setup idea past you.
I want to create an off-grid setup designed to function without batteries or an energy storage mechanism. I recognize this system will not function in inclement weather or nighttime. I know that most inverters will end up creating AC that is much too "dirty" (erratic sine wave; although I don't really understand that concept) to power high demand or more sensitive electronics. I have become enamored with the 2000 Watt secure power supply found on the SMA Sunny Boy models (http://files.sma.de/dl/18726/EPS-US-TB-en-11.pdf). Since the SMA's will convert the DC input to clean AC input for one receptacle in real time, I thought that if I connected 9 Suniva 340 Watt Optimus series panels (https://www.wholesalesolar.com/cms/s...1610309543.pdf) that should create an potential DC input overage of over 1000 watts of what the SPS outlet requires. Using this setup I have in theory created a standard plugin AC power supply which is on whenever the sun is out. I could then use that to power whatever I needed.
I know this setup would be a substantial financial investment for one outlet, but please let us exclude the financial implications from the discourse. I am allergic to maintenance and want to avoid creating a system that becomes useless when the batteries go bad. I know that many of you have chosen the battery route and it is effective, but is the setup I have proposed in theory possible? Could this one inverter coupled with nine panels and bit of sunshine give me a zero maintenance standard 110 AC outlet that could power devices as wide in range from my table saw to my computer without issue?
I look forward to your replies and as a side note, if the setup seems effective for its proposed usage, how should I alter the setup for any potential partial shading issues? Are microinverters even usable in this kind of a setup? Finally, does anyone have any experience with the SMA units to know if this kind of setup risks potentially damaging the inverter? (I would be using the Sunny Boy 5.0 so the total Wattage input should be well within range for the whole device - I am a bit concerned about using the SPS function as an always on outlet)
Thanks all,