I am trying to envision the best off grid system possible. From what I understand a person should use wind/hydro for the constant usage like fridges for night time. Solar panels would be used to attack the use during the day. I can't see how using only batteries to store power when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine would be useful. I would simply have enough batteries to handle the extra load when your electronics start up.
is there a better system out there to tackle the energy storage problem? gas generators work, but That kind of defeats the purpose.
Running something on methane or ethanol would be feasible I think.
There's other forms of batteries out there. You could for example have your water tank quite elevated and on days that you have lot's of sun/wind then you fill your tank from your well. On days that you don't have sun/wind then you use the stored energy in your tank to offset that day.
You could create workout equipment that generates power and only workout on days you need power...
Are there any other ways to store energy?
is there a better system out there to tackle the energy storage problem? gas generators work, but That kind of defeats the purpose.
Running something on methane or ethanol would be feasible I think.
There's other forms of batteries out there. You could for example have your water tank quite elevated and on days that you have lot's of sun/wind then you fill your tank from your well. On days that you don't have sun/wind then you use the stored energy in your tank to offset that day.
You could create workout equipment that generates power and only workout on days you need power...
Are there any other ways to store energy?