My New Dissolved PPM meter tells me that:
1) basement dehumidifier #1 results in 15ppm dissolved solids ($5 score on side of road 10 yrs back)
2) basement dehumidifier #2 results in 8ppm dissolved solids (collection bucket underneath and kinda covered)
3) Storing water in a collapsible plastic (20l camping version) containers adds at LEAST 10ppm in a month from either source
4) My well is upwards of 105ppm dissolved solids (Not surprising since the casing was well washed with a burst pressure line recently - a year old stored water (food grade container) was similar to well reading, so leeched plastics or sourced dissolved - dunno. I do know whatever is leeched from those collapsibles in makes it impossible to "get the soap off" one's hands.
So, my theory that dehumidifier water is pretty much distilled did have some merit after all provided one can police the insect ingress...
I have no standards to compare this to, just posting as followup and because I found it interesting.
Carry on.
1) basement dehumidifier #1 results in 15ppm dissolved solids ($5 score on side of road 10 yrs back)
2) basement dehumidifier #2 results in 8ppm dissolved solids (collection bucket underneath and kinda covered)
3) Storing water in a collapsible plastic (20l camping version) containers adds at LEAST 10ppm in a month from either source
4) My well is upwards of 105ppm dissolved solids (Not surprising since the casing was well washed with a burst pressure line recently - a year old stored water (food grade container) was similar to well reading, so leeched plastics or sourced dissolved - dunno. I do know whatever is leeched from those collapsibles in makes it impossible to "get the soap off" one's hands.
So, my theory that dehumidifier water is pretty much distilled did have some merit after all provided one can police the insect ingress...
I have no standards to compare this to, just posting as followup and because I found it interesting.
Carry on.