The boat is loading this week. 48V, 854ah. That will be 2x the current size of the weak, used set in operation, and enough to run the house, farm pump, blowdryerNiFe_flooded.jpg, and microwave. From and now I see the Swiss have a Molten Salt/Nickel battery coming out too - zebra-battery and in another 5 years, there will be a better mousetrap. I'll get something while I can. Now to order 100 gal of distilled water, and some siphon tubing....
So I agonized long and hard over them, vs a forklift battery, and many other considerations. I'm willing to give up some efficiency (70% vs 80%) for a much longer overall lifetime and in winter, when running the genset, I'll be in the bottom 2/3 of capacity anyway, where they are more efficient. And they have a pretty large freeboard, so only watering every 2-3 months in summer. But they are less energy dense then lead acid, and will take up a much larger footprint in the battery shed. Still doing final layout tweaks.
So I agonized long and hard over them, vs a forklift battery, and many other considerations. I'm willing to give up some efficiency (70% vs 80%) for a much longer overall lifetime and in winter, when running the genset, I'll be in the bottom 2/3 of capacity anyway, where they are more efficient. And they have a pretty large freeboard, so only watering every 2-3 months in summer. But they are less energy dense then lead acid, and will take up a much larger footprint in the battery shed. Still doing final layout tweaks.