Could it be the point in the battery string to which i connected the inverter? Maybe its better to connect it to the middle of the battery bank?
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Do you really mean one cell? A 2V lead-acid cell, part of a series string? All cells in a series see the same current, so it shouldn't be any more likely that it's the one to fail. Please describe what you have and how they are wired.
oh, where to start ... IN GENERAL, parallel connection of batteries is not a good idea. If you insist on doing so, the leads from each battery to the negative busbar and to the positive busbar need to be the same length and construction. If you do those, the connection is made to the busbars, not individual batteries.
Some experts will chime in, but both performance and battery life are lower with parallel connections.
Those look like Lithium voltages. If they are in parallel per the diagram they should all be at the same voltage because of the parallel connections.There could be something wrong with the connecttion to cell #1 since the voltage and the resistance are low.
The diagram shows 4 cells but the screenshot shows 7 cells. My BMS would short out if I connected the cells in parallel but wired the BMS in series.
Something is inconsistent here and it is hard to provide much input unless the facts are more clear.