I r edecuated as an ingineer, but emphasis was in electroinics and RF ... so you can use techy terms ok. I'll probably misunderstand them. My degree was in 1972.
Google is my friend .. but not a very good friend. We don't communicate very well.
I'm fascinated by the graphs showing energy stored as a function of charge voltage. If I read them correctly, there is very little additional energy stored as cell charge voltage increases from 3.(5 or 6 or 7 depending on chemistry) to some "maximum, perhaps 4.1 or 4.2. But I don't see various chemistry addressed. Since it is what I have to "play" with, let's address "standard" 18650 cells as in a flashlight. Via data acquisition stuff I have, the charger I have shuts off at about 4.13V. I'm gathering that the charger is pushing a little too hard? Would I really get ALMOST equal energy stored at 3.9V and get better cell life?. This is somewhat rhetorical; I have never "fully" discharged a cell in a month, and swap a charged for a used cell each month.
Battery University helps a little; Panasonic's website should, but I cannot fine the correct place.
So ... if I use perhaps 20% of a cell (or battery) capacity in a month and recharge ... would a somewhat lower (say 3.9 vs 4.1) shutoff make any difference?
Where can I find authoritative data?
THANKS! to you experts.
Google is my friend .. but not a very good friend. We don't communicate very well.
I'm fascinated by the graphs showing energy stored as a function of charge voltage. If I read them correctly, there is very little additional energy stored as cell charge voltage increases from 3.(5 or 6 or 7 depending on chemistry) to some "maximum, perhaps 4.1 or 4.2. But I don't see various chemistry addressed. Since it is what I have to "play" with, let's address "standard" 18650 cells as in a flashlight. Via data acquisition stuff I have, the charger I have shuts off at about 4.13V. I'm gathering that the charger is pushing a little too hard? Would I really get ALMOST equal energy stored at 3.9V and get better cell life?. This is somewhat rhetorical; I have never "fully" discharged a cell in a month, and swap a charged for a used cell each month.
Battery University helps a little; Panasonic's website should, but I cannot fine the correct place.
So ... if I use perhaps 20% of a cell (or battery) capacity in a month and recharge ... would a somewhat lower (say 3.9 vs 4.1) shutoff make any difference?
Where can I find authoritative data?
THANKS! to you experts.