Simon Mathews I am not wrong. Shall I expose the real Simon Mathews and how many Large Format cells you have destroyed with you Simat Battery Monitor? You know the poorly designed resistor divider network with and insanely low resistance values. You have drained a lot of Cells to death with your monitor. Lots of websites talk about it and warm users to stay far away from it. Crystal Clear why you are so adamant thou shall use a BMS.
Last chance to leave now and never come back. Or shall I mail the mods the links and have you banned permanently with the SPAM in you signature trying to sell it here? I see you did not deny the reason you are here.
Merry Christmas, been waiting all year to give you that XMAS present
Last chance to leave now and never come back. Or shall I mail the mods the links and have you banned permanently with the SPAM in you signature trying to sell it here? I see you did not deny the reason you are here.
Merry Christmas, been waiting all year to give you that XMAS present