Sounds like an LFP battery around 5-6kWh would do the job and work well with your current equipment. One good thing about LFP batteries is that you can add to them at a later date. This doesn't work well with lead acid batteries.
I agree with you that it is probably a good time to upgrade to a new MPPT controller.
Your temperatures look fairly benign to me, much better than our summertime temperatures. Your mean daily summer temperature would be around 23oC-25oC
The big issue with DIY LFP battery systems at the moment is battery management and system integration. I would think you need a battery management system that will make sure that no individual cells go outside their safe operating voltage range and will automatically turn your generator on when the battery SOC gets to say 20%. This may require relays and other bits and pieces that Dax has mentioned in his last post. The complexity of the BMS is dependent on how many of the functions of the BMS you are prepared to do manually, how much risk you are prepared to take, and how much you want to spend. Do you have much knowledge of what is available and what is required?
I agree with you that it is probably a good time to upgrade to a new MPPT controller.
Your temperatures look fairly benign to me, much better than our summertime temperatures. Your mean daily summer temperature would be around 23oC-25oC
The big issue with DIY LFP battery systems at the moment is battery management and system integration. I would think you need a battery management system that will make sure that no individual cells go outside their safe operating voltage range and will automatically turn your generator on when the battery SOC gets to say 20%. This may require relays and other bits and pieces that Dax has mentioned in his last post. The complexity of the BMS is dependent on how many of the functions of the BMS you are prepared to do manually, how much risk you are prepared to take, and how much you want to spend. Do you have much knowledge of what is available and what is required?