Other than more hardware count, NO. FWIW with Lithium batteries S is expressed before P. Threw me for a second. Example 8S5P
I suggest you buy two tools you are going to want in the long run.
1. Torque Wrench. Regardless if you do 8S4P or 8S5P a torque wrench is going to come in handy once a month doing PM while checking torque. You are going to have a lot of money tied up in batteries, $50 is money well spent on a T wrench
2. I do not know how you intend to protect your batteries, but if you Bottom Balance, a Cellpro Powerlab 8 should be high on your list. It makes quick work performing the initial Balance either at the Top or Bottom. It is 8 cannels which is a perfect match for any 8S system. It also makes it a snap to rebalance if it ever becomes necessary, can diagnose problems, and a monitor/alarm if you want to use it as such. Just wire you a port at an accessible point with a JST connector.
I suggest you buy two tools you are going to want in the long run.
1. Torque Wrench. Regardless if you do 8S4P or 8S5P a torque wrench is going to come in handy once a month doing PM while checking torque. You are going to have a lot of money tied up in batteries, $50 is money well spent on a T wrench
2. I do not know how you intend to protect your batteries, but if you Bottom Balance, a Cellpro Powerlab 8 should be high on your list. It makes quick work performing the initial Balance either at the Top or Bottom. It is 8 cannels which is a perfect match for any 8S system. It also makes it a snap to rebalance if it ever becomes necessary, can diagnose problems, and a monitor/alarm if you want to use it as such. Just wire you a port at an accessible point with a JST connector.