OK, now we are singing from the same sheet on "float" let me run this idea past you.
To use excess charge, slightly before batteries hit the predetermined cut off voltage, 80ish% SOC, I was planning on having another voltage sensor to operate a 1000w HWS element, which is a close match, taking into account efficiency loses etc, to the maximum output of my panels. I'd keep the hi lo points on this tighter than the main charge control sensor, so it acts as a "float" controller.
I have a plan b on this which is to allow the batteries to hit cut off and divert the power direct to a 12V element. My cut of relay is a 120Amp SPDT I sourced so I have the option of load dumping/diversion. The other is the preferred option as cutting charge at full bore I would imagine is a bit rough on the relay contacts, + wire length to HWS and I'd have to find a suitable 12V element.
To use excess charge, slightly before batteries hit the predetermined cut off voltage, 80ish% SOC, I was planning on having another voltage sensor to operate a 1000w HWS element, which is a close match, taking into account efficiency loses etc, to the maximum output of my panels. I'd keep the hi lo points on this tighter than the main charge control sensor, so it acts as a "float" controller.
I have a plan b on this which is to allow the batteries to hit cut off and divert the power direct to a 12V element. My cut of relay is a 120Amp SPDT I sourced so I have the option of load dumping/diversion. The other is the preferred option as cutting charge at full bore I would imagine is a bit rough on the relay contacts, + wire length to HWS and I'd have to find a suitable 12V element.