I read on the website of NorthStar this:
"All NorthStar batteries are compliant with IEC 60896 -21/22" . Does this mean that they were tested by independent lab(s)?
If i am browsing IEC standard 61427 Troyan explains a little bit about this IEC standard.
My question is:
Are there commercial for consumers available batteries which are tested by independent lab according to IEC 61427 and publish the results or am i asking nonense here?
"All NorthStar batteries are compliant with IEC 60896 -21/22" . Does this mean that they were tested by independent lab(s)?
If i am browsing IEC standard 61427 Troyan explains a little bit about this IEC standard.
My question is:
Are there commercial for consumers available batteries which are tested by independent lab according to IEC 61427 and publish the results or am i asking nonense here?