I have this EPsolar Landstar LS1024B 10A solar charge controller which I want to use as float charger for my 120AH lead acid car battery , I don't have Solar panels therefore I need some DC power source to simulate Solar panels,
An immediate alternate can be my Del laptop charger which outputs 18.5V at 3Amp, I will directly connect its wire to Solar panel input of charge controller and theoretically it should work but due to my very limited electrical knowledge I don't know if I'm missing something in between
So is it OK to use this setup or this can damage my tiny charger since I need to charge a big battery? DO I need to add anything else between Laptop charger and charge controller?
My charge controller
An immediate alternate can be my Del laptop charger which outputs 18.5V at 3Amp, I will directly connect its wire to Solar panel input of charge controller and theoretically it should work but due to my very limited electrical knowledge I don't know if I'm missing something in between
So is it OK to use this setup or this can damage my tiny charger since I need to charge a big battery? DO I need to add anything else between Laptop charger and charge controller?
My charge controller