What kind of battery/reserve power needed for a 1/2 HP well pump

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  • wine_guyu_3
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2013
    • 13


    What kind of battery/reserve power needed for a 1/2 HP well pump

    Hi guys.
    I'm thinking on having a well drilled.
    Supposedly the well will be 60 ft deep with a submersible pump.
    The well will be within 60 feet of the utility room.

    This is a remote cabin. Used about 3 days per month.
    I went from 2 panels and 2 batteries to 8 panels and 8 batteries cuz the wife wanted a refrigerator.
    Now the wife wants running water.

    Solar setup so far.
    8 100 watt panels
    8 104 AH batteries

    Loads are (180 W) refrigerator and some LED lights

    Been having problems with the batteries staying charged lately. I'm working on that with Outback.
    Is this setup close ?

  • wine_guyu_3
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2013
    • 13

    I assume the pump will be 1/2 horse, 120 volt


    • organic farmer
      Solar Fanatic
      • Dec 2013
      • 659

      My well pump is 240vac, while running it consumes around 7 amps, but its startup power usage is 15 amps.

      Looking at the power requirement for 240vac with 15amps drove us to use an invertor that has a 48vdc battery bank.

      At the time when we did our install the only way to get a 240vac output was to use a 48vdc invertor.
      4400w, Midnite Classic 150 charge-controller.


      • ajonestx
        • Apr 2021
        • 76

        I think the first question is how much are you going to use water? The load (amps) is one thing, but what are you going to use the water for and how often will the pump run? I put a meter on our well. We wash dishes, clothes, shower, etc. and it usually consumes about 0.5 kWh to 1.0 kWh per day (normal summer month below) for reference. Winter months are a little higher due to longer / warmer showers. I understand that this is a cabin, but until you define how much water your pump needs to provide, you cannot define the batter / solar array. Program the issue first - enough to fill a bucket of water once or twice a day or much more like home. Make a list, get with the Mrs. and make an educated guess at how many hours a day your pump needs to run while you are there.



        • wine_guyu_3
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2013
          • 13

          Right now we go through about 3 gallons per day. Mostly dishes and washing up.
          Using "real" water, I expect that usage to at least double.
          I may even have to add an inline water heater (propane).
          We will have a pressure tank to "smooth out" the pump usage.

          We are upgrading to a 24 volt DC input, 240 volt AC output, split phase inverter for the system.
          I'm looking at some golf cart batteries, DC400-6. I can get 4 from a buddy.
          Hoping to get by with the 8 100 Watt panels.

          New inverter and batteries will run over $2K.
          Cost $20K to run power to the place.
          Not sure which way to go.

