Depends on the voltage rating of your batteries and what you need for your final system output.
As for wiring practices, the best way is to have them all wired in series instead of any parallel rungs. But each cell voltage may restrict your wiring options.
Ok thanks I will have to sell my 12v inverter
I guess, I have 4 -100ah 12v batteries and 6-150w panels which are wired in series in two separate arrays. Both are going to separate mppt controllers rated for 40A.
As the batteries are in parallel for the inverter I will have to purchase a 24v inverter correct?
Ok thanks I will have to sell my 12v inverter
I guess, I have 4 -100ah 12v batteries and 6-150w panels which are wired in series in two separate arrays. Both are going to separate mppt controllers rated for 40A.
As the batteries are in parallel for the inverter I will have to purchase a 24v inverter correct?
Geez you have things messed up. A 40 Amp MPPT controller has maximum Power Input limits based on battery voltage. For a 40 amp MPPT Controller the limits are:
500 watts @ 12 volts
1000 watts @ 24 volts
You chose to make a Toy system using 12 volts and two very expensive 40 amp controllers when all you needed was one controller with a 24 volt battery. How did you come up with a 12 volt system?
Well thanks for your cutting reply... as I said I'm a new solar newbie and your reply are exactly why people are hesitant to post any questions and push on while making mistakes
maybe rather than being catty in your reply you could offer some constructive criticism.
If you feel it's necessary to suspend my account feel free.
Well thanks for your cutting reply... as I said I'm a new solar newbie and your reply are exactly why people are hesitant to post any questions and push on while making mistakes
maybe rather than being catty in your reply you could offer some constructive criticism.
If you feel it's necessary to suspend my account feel free.
We have gotten used to Sunking and his brutal honesty coupled with vast technical knowledge and experience. Please stay.
You can get some very useful introductory information about interconnections at
Many of the other technical notes, although not related to solar charging, are good information for any off grid system.
Well thanks for your cutting reply... as I said I'm a new solar newbie and your reply are exactly why people are hesitant to post any questions and push on while making mistakes
maybe rather than being catty in your reply you could offer some constructive criticism.
If you feel it's necessary to suspend my account feel free.
Do you want no B. S. information or stuff that won't bruise your ego ? Tell you what - spend ~ $300/hr. to have a P.E design engineer tell you the same stuff you'll get here for free. You'll be about as ego bruised either way. Stick around if you want reality on a budget.