I have a (low budget) solar pwm controller, which (I read) behaves just a regular charger.
I got a sealed lead acid battery that I want to fully charge with the solar controller, before I use it in a live setup.
Could I just attach a regular power supply to the input of the controler, where you normally would attach the solar panel?
I would expect so, but want to double check.
The other question is about 18650 Li-ion charging.
I am considering to use a pack of 18650 batteries instead of sealed lead acid. Mostly because of size, but also to
experiment with.
Now, almost all solar controllers are meant for lead acid, so I can't just attach other battery types.
Would it be possible to connect a balancing board/BMS controller (TP4056 for example) to the battery output
or load output of the solar controller?
Not sure if the Solar controller expects to "see" a lead acid battery to the output and get confused somehow.