It is pleasure to communicate
I will be really thankful if someone can guide me in the following;
During sizing of the battery backup in solar power system, conventionally or mostly I come across the designer who are sizing the battery according to the daily usage of the KWh consumption. For example;
Total Appliance power is = 770 W
Daily usage is = 6 hours/day
Solar panel Wp = 1500 W
In the above case, suppose the usage in the night is 3 hours/day then what usage we should consider in the sizing of the battery, whether we should consider 6 hours/day or 3 hours/day in the sizing of the battery backup?
Because most designers says that we have to consider all the 6 hours usage in the sizing of the battery backup,
I am concerning why should we consider all the 6 hours in the battery backup sizing as I think in the sunshine hours we don't need big batteries, only small battery will be enough to power the inverter and load, like in the above case don't we consider 3 hours in sizing of the battery backup instead of considering all the 6 hours?
and also when the battery is charging during the sunlight and when it becomes fully charged, is it happening at that time that the load is taking power from the battery and at the same time solar panel charges the battery or instead of both only one process works?
Really appreciate for any response
Thanking you
It is pleasure to communicate
I will be really thankful if someone can guide me in the following;
During sizing of the battery backup in solar power system, conventionally or mostly I come across the designer who are sizing the battery according to the daily usage of the KWh consumption. For example;
Total Appliance power is = 770 W
Daily usage is = 6 hours/day
Solar panel Wp = 1500 W
In the above case, suppose the usage in the night is 3 hours/day then what usage we should consider in the sizing of the battery, whether we should consider 6 hours/day or 3 hours/day in the sizing of the battery backup?
Because most designers says that we have to consider all the 6 hours usage in the sizing of the battery backup,
I am concerning why should we consider all the 6 hours in the battery backup sizing as I think in the sunshine hours we don't need big batteries, only small battery will be enough to power the inverter and load, like in the above case don't we consider 3 hours in sizing of the battery backup instead of considering all the 6 hours?
and also when the battery is charging during the sunlight and when it becomes fully charged, is it happening at that time that the load is taking power from the battery and at the same time solar panel charges the battery or instead of both only one process works?
Really appreciate for any response
Thanking you