One of many DIY Power Walls being built ...
Is this "SAFE"? ...
If it is not safe, then specifically WHY not?
Q1) He used a fine wire on each battery to individually "fuse" each and every battery - If sized correctly, is that enough? Or add real DC fuses?
Q2) He assembled with used batteries - Can that cause early failure? How?
Q3) It is installed in an separate, distant "out-building" - Why? Because it is a potential fire hazard?
Q4) Does the core temperature of each "parallel pack" need to be monitored?
Q5) Must each "parallel bank" be individually balanced?
Is there any way to make this SAFE?
If yes, then how exactly?
Is this "SAFE"? ...
If it is not safe, then specifically WHY not?
Q1) He used a fine wire on each battery to individually "fuse" each and every battery - If sized correctly, is that enough? Or add real DC fuses?
Q2) He assembled with used batteries - Can that cause early failure? How?
Q3) It is installed in an separate, distant "out-building" - Why? Because it is a potential fire hazard?
Q4) Does the core temperature of each "parallel pack" need to be monitored?
Q5) Must each "parallel bank" be individually balanced?
Is there any way to make this SAFE?
If yes, then how exactly?