It won't be me trying anything new.
I have 2 off-grid buildings to mess with
once in a while but my living off-grid days are over.
The Lead Acid I use
last way more than rated
charging dem cool and slow.
The equipment knows when to throw the juice to the
bad hammers for maintenance.
I don't have to know anything which is how
I Likes it.
I see ole 'Diamond' John Mario D'Angelo was cryin
about me over at GreenPowerTalk
a while back
about not having any
'skin in the NiFe game'.
My set of NiFe Cells dates back before John's time.
Built in Russia and brought in by the
US Army from England.
Ole John and the Energy / Survival Man from
have brought a Lot of Laughter in their time.
I was afraid the guys I was visiting at the
VA Hospital were going to have heart attacks
when I visited.
John D'Angelo and Brandon Williams
were masterfully baited into
expanding their Feud at
Rip Off Reports.
It was beautiful.
A lot remains though someone paid out money to get some of it removed.
I have 2 off-grid buildings to mess with
once in a while but my living off-grid days are over.
The Lead Acid I use
last way more than rated
charging dem cool and slow.
The equipment knows when to throw the juice to the
bad hammers for maintenance.
I don't have to know anything which is how
I Likes it.
I see ole 'Diamond' John Mario D'Angelo was cryin
about me over at GreenPowerTalk
a while back
about not having any
'skin in the NiFe game'.
My set of NiFe Cells dates back before John's time.
Built in Russia and brought in by the
US Army from England.
Ole John and the Energy / Survival Man from
have brought a Lot of Laughter in their time.
I was afraid the guys I was visiting at the
VA Hospital were going to have heart attacks
when I visited.
John D'Angelo and Brandon Williams
were masterfully baited into
expanding their Feud at
Rip Off Reports.
It was beautiful.
A lot remains though someone paid out money to get some of it removed.