The big issue is, the degree is just a sheet of paper. Then it takes another 4 years to convert the book learning to practical application, In the meantime, stuff blows up.
So as long as it's YOUR stuff blowing up (or battery banks burning) we snigger and try to be mostly polite. But when the advice you hand out, is sketchy and "royal we" think it's going to be dangerous for a neophyte surfing about battery banks and sees 5KW and 12V and like yeah, that's for me, we get the pucker in our sphincter and all yell in unison
THATS NOT A SAFE IDEA to be throwing around. Maybe when you understand how real life applications work and understand why one bad cell in a multi-battery bank took the whole mess down, you could become part of the "royal we".
Until then, we reserve the right to highlight bad practice.
So as long as it's YOUR stuff blowing up (or battery banks burning) we snigger and try to be mostly polite. But when the advice you hand out, is sketchy and "royal we" think it's going to be dangerous for a neophyte surfing about battery banks and sees 5KW and 12V and like yeah, that's for me, we get the pucker in our sphincter and all yell in unison
THATS NOT A SAFE IDEA to be throwing around. Maybe when you understand how real life applications work and understand why one bad cell in a multi-battery bank took the whole mess down, you could become part of the "royal we".
Until then, we reserve the right to highlight bad practice.