Well, I guess if it can't be done for a reasonable cost, another generator will have to be dragged around with me. Too bad, as I want to do a little quiet welding.
The Trojan 6V batteries would never be able to deliver the amount of power you will need, not in a single string anyway and you wouldn't want rows of them paralleled together. You'd be talking about major weight regardless of how you configured them. What you want could be done with a 48V battery bank but it would weigh 2 tons, cost a considerable amount and have a finite life span. during that life span you will have a new part time job of babysitting them as well.
{snip}What you want could be done with a 48V battery bank but it would weigh 2 tons, cost a considerable amount and have a finite life span. during that life span you will have a new part time job of babysitting them as well.
A bit off topic, but this is the reality I am facing for an off-grid system of similar size for a whole house. I wouldn't do it to support a welder, and I'm not sure I even want to for a house!
Does not matter what voltage being 12, 48, or 96 would still take 4000 pounds of batteries as they would have the same capacity.
Agree, I said 48V because that would make the battery to inverter cables smaller and open him up to the more powerful 48V inverters. I didn't get into the whole "pounds of battery" thing as it seems he is moving away from the idea.