Hi, I'm a solar power newbie and I'm trying to set up a small system to power grow lamps in my greenhouse. At the moment I am unable to get the grow lamps to run for more than a few hours overnight, whereas I need them to run for about 12 hours. Clearly there is not enough charge in the batteries but I can’t see why this should be. Can anyone help me please?
The system is powered by two new 12V 30Ah LifePO4 batteries connected in parallel, charged by a Renogy 100W 12V solar panel, both connected to an Easun MPPT 6048 60 amp solar charge controller. The load, which is connected to the charge controller, is a set of 4 LED grow lamps strips consuming in total 36W at 12V, and has an in-line switch for on/off, timer (3,6,12Hr), dimmer and on/off for each individual grow lamp strip.
According to my limited knowledge, the batteries at full capacity should provide a total of 720W (60 Ah @ ~12V). This should be ample to run all 4 grow lamp strips for 12 hours. The PV panel is rated at 100W/12V though in fact runs at around 20V. Even at half power at this time of year it should generate around 50W, or 30A over a 12 hour daylight period, providing enough electricity for 10 hours at 36W.
If I switch on the grow lamps at nightfall, even running only two of the four grow lamp strips and after the batteries have been charging all day from the PV panel with no load, the grow lamps switch on correctly. At that point the charge controller says that the batteries voltage is 13.1V and the State of Charge 91%. Sometime during the night the lamps go out but I don’t know when as I’m not prepared to stay up watching them! In the morning the charge controller shows a voltage of 11.1V, current 0.1A and SoC of only 15%. I know that SoC readings on charge controllers are notoriously inaccurate and that the battery manufacturer indicates that at 13.1% the SoC is likely to be very low.
So clearly my batteries are not providing enough power to the load for long enough. They are brand new, good quality batteries as is the PV panel. By my calculations there should be enough capacity in the system to run the grow lights for 12 hours and recharge the batteries during the day.
Can anyone please give me a clue about what I might be doing wrong or what may be causing this issue? I really don't want my first DIY solar project to be a failure
Many thanks. Chas.
The system is powered by two new 12V 30Ah LifePO4 batteries connected in parallel, charged by a Renogy 100W 12V solar panel, both connected to an Easun MPPT 6048 60 amp solar charge controller. The load, which is connected to the charge controller, is a set of 4 LED grow lamps strips consuming in total 36W at 12V, and has an in-line switch for on/off, timer (3,6,12Hr), dimmer and on/off for each individual grow lamp strip.
According to my limited knowledge, the batteries at full capacity should provide a total of 720W (60 Ah @ ~12V). This should be ample to run all 4 grow lamp strips for 12 hours. The PV panel is rated at 100W/12V though in fact runs at around 20V. Even at half power at this time of year it should generate around 50W, or 30A over a 12 hour daylight period, providing enough electricity for 10 hours at 36W.
If I switch on the grow lamps at nightfall, even running only two of the four grow lamp strips and after the batteries have been charging all day from the PV panel with no load, the grow lamps switch on correctly. At that point the charge controller says that the batteries voltage is 13.1V and the State of Charge 91%. Sometime during the night the lamps go out but I don’t know when as I’m not prepared to stay up watching them! In the morning the charge controller shows a voltage of 11.1V, current 0.1A and SoC of only 15%. I know that SoC readings on charge controllers are notoriously inaccurate and that the battery manufacturer indicates that at 13.1% the SoC is likely to be very low.
So clearly my batteries are not providing enough power to the load for long enough. They are brand new, good quality batteries as is the PV panel. By my calculations there should be enough capacity in the system to run the grow lights for 12 hours and recharge the batteries during the day.
Can anyone please give me a clue about what I might be doing wrong or what may be causing this issue? I really don't want my first DIY solar project to be a failure
