Forums Topics Posts Last Post
12V Solar for RV or Camping etc
This section is for those wanting to run small 12V systems for RV's or camping or boats, hobbies or whatever else you can think of.
Topics: 890 Posts: 9,845
890 9,845
Off grid solar panel systems
Discuss remote solar applications for homes, cabins, RV and boats. If you have a question on equipment for an off grid system, such as charge controllers or inverters, then post your question in this forum.
Topics: 3,416 Posts: 40,130
Last Post:
3,416 40,130
Solar water pumps (DC)
If you want to discuss the set-up for your solar water pump system, post your question or comment here. Tell us about flow rate, pressure and lift of your system.
Topics: 234 Posts: 2,116
Last Post:
234 2,116
Solar living
Discuss solar fridges, freezers, solar ovens, portable modules and other solar products you may use for emergency situations, camping or abroad.
Topics: 221 Posts: 3,154
Last Post:
221 3,154
by J.P.M.
Batteries / energy storage
You have a battery or energy storage question, post your comment here. Talk about the various batteries, from lead acid, to lithium ion, to Ni.
Topics: 1,911 Posts: 16,854
1,911 16,854
by sdold
General batteries (486/4,946)
Lead Acid (439/4,492)
Lithium-ion (229/5,132)
Ni (59/1,140)