I actually believed in the conspiracy theories regarding solar until recently. After much research I'm finding there are very good reasons for MOST of the regulations in place. It's actually mostly due to safety and accountability. I talked with my insurance company and they were fine with my homemade panels IF I didn't mount them directly on my roof or use them in ANY of the AC premises wiring (Grid Interconnection or off Grid AC). There are exceptions where I can run DC into my house but it must meet NEC Code. I believe the NEC even requires all components of a small DC system be listed by UL or equivalent, so there is no way to make that fly either. Anyways... I use all my homemade panels for small scale systems and experiments. All outside and not attached to my buildings. It is great fun and a wonderful way to learn.
I have used ML Solar with no problems or complaints. I ordered B Grade cells and that's exactly what I got. Only 4 cells out of 80 were bad. Just test for Amperage under a constant light source and the bad cells are obvious.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, for projects of 100 Watts or less DIY makes perfect sense to me. For anything large scale it is just insane and impossible to jump through all the hoops, and just not worth the trouble or the money.
Good Luck,